2023 Toy Trust charity fundraiser to be May Mayhem > 자유게시판

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2023 Toy Trust charity fundraiser to be May Mayhem

작성일 24-06-03 21:39

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작성자Melanie 조회 29회 댓글 0건


The Toy Trust’s new initiative – May Mayhem – will take place throughout May 2023 as the latest industry Big Challenge.


Building on 2021’s successful Around the World in 80 Hours charity fundraiser, where individuals from the toy industry endeavoured to circumnavigate the globe virtually, The Toy Trust has unveiled plans for its Big Challenge fundraising event for 2023.


Taking place between Monday 1st and Wednesday 31st May 2023, under the banner of May Mayhem, the challenge invites members of the toy industry to carry out a month of fundraising collectively, from anywhere in the UK, in activities chosen by the participants themselves. Industry members can take part either as individuals and/or as part of a team.


As part of the initiative, there will be an attempt to circumnavigate the 18,000km coastline of mainland Great Britain – on a virtual basis – by any non-motorised means. To include everyone, and also mean there are no excuses not to join in, there will also be opportunities for non-physical activity as part of the May Mayhem fundraising.


The event will run across the entire month of May, a decision designed to give participants the flexibility to organise team events within companies, or for individuals to set themselves targets and challenges covering a longer period.


The Toy Trust will issue weekly progress updates during the month, sharing individual and team achievements. There will be a totaliser on the Toy Trust website, tracking the combined distance covered.


Last year’s Big Challenge featured a popular Dragon Boat Tournament which saw companies and teams competing head-to-head in a series of races and raised funds for charity partners, Starlight and Spread a Smile.


The event is free of charge to join and will be hosted on popular exercise tracking app Strava. The Toy Trust will release further details shortly on how to register along with a catalogue of activity ideas for participants, all designed to inspire budding fundraisers.


As always, the event will aim to raise as much as possible for the Toy Trust whilst encouraging the industry to have fun at the same time. The event offers ample opportunity for the toy industry to demonstrate its creativity by coming up with unusual challenges, modes of transport, fancy dress etc.


More details on this event will follow shortly from the Toy Trust, but the first challenge is start thinking of ways to get involved.


Any queries on the event in the meantime should be directed to Matt Jones at Matt@btha.co.uk.


To keep up to date with Toy Trust news, follow @TheToyTrust on Instagram .






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